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Environmentally friendly packaging material for FitoCavallo® & FitoCanini® herbal mixtures

Marton Zsófia (Lóherba)

Do you ever get a bitter taste in your mouth when you have to throw the empty herbal sachets in the bin? If you buy one or more bags for your horse every month, you will certainly generate quite a bit of waste over the course of a year. Well, we have been concerned about sustainability and waste from the beginning, which is why we searched a lot for the right solution. Our good news is that the bags of FitoCavallo® & FitoCanini® products can be considered one of the greenest packaging currently known.

Experiments have been going on for years to create single-layer plastics that combine several properties, but are also very easy to recycle with little energy investment, meeting the required and necessary hygiene conditions, while preserving the quality of the packaged products without the addition of preservatives.

They are an excellent choice for the storage of our herbal products due to their vapour, steam, gas and light barrier solutions. They can be easily collected and recycled after use through selective waste collection.

Separately collect our packaging materials! When you throw your empty bags in the plastic waste, you are doing your bit for the survival of forests.

Between 2015 and 2020, around 10 million hectares of forest will disappear from the planet every year - a worrying situation. That's why we at FitoCavallo®&FitoCanini® do not consider replacing plastic with paper to be a sustainable or environmentally friendly step.

Moreover, it would not even be suitable for storing the active herbal ingredients that are the medicinal properties of our products. The packaging material for our herbal products is environmentally friendly, recyclable plastic to preserve the forests and the active ingredients.

Collect selectively, protect the forests!



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