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Medicinal herbs against inflammation of the periosteum, bone growth, senescence

Medicinal herbs against inflammation of the periosteum, bone growth, senescence

The thin membrane covering the bones is easily inflamed due to impact and pressure. An acute injury is painful, and the affected part is warm to the touch. External cooling and reduction of inflammation should also be helped internally with herbs for a short course.

Senescence is a disease that affects young thoroughbreds: to prevent it - in addition to a careful intake - we recommend our mixture of doping-free herbs, fed continuously from the beginning of intensive training. If the disease has already developed, herbs that have a beneficial effect on bone metabolism can be fed until the symptoms disappear.


Recommended medicinal product:

  • strengthening of bones in case of defective constitution or heavy load:CALTO (or CALTO-D)product
  • without joint calcification, inflammation and pain:CALTO and CONDORcombination of products
  • with inflammation, joint calcification accompanied by pain:HOLA or BILA, KONDOR and ASPRINTcombination of products
  • treatment of bone growth, shinitis, periosteitis:CALTO, ASPRINT and HEPAcombination of products (post-treatment: CALTO-D product)
  • osteoporosis:CALTOproduct


In the case of a product combination, all products are fed in full portions.


Recommended feeding time:

  • CALTO, HOLA, BILA: can be fed as a cure for health preservation purposes: for 3-6 months. In case of chronic disease, for the purpose of maintaining or slowing down deterioration: continuous feeding is recommended
  • KONDOR: recommended for regular or continuous feeding
  • ASPRINT: can be used until the symptoms of inflammation and pain disappear (even continuously)

CALTOdoping-freeversion is the CALTO-D product.

THE CONDOR-Ddoping-free.


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