Loss of appetite, weight loss
Loss of appetite and weight loss are not diseases, but symptoms. It can be caused, for example, by an infectious disease, pain, bad teeth, oral injury, stomach ulcer, intestinal inflammation, malabsorption or reduced digestive juice production in old age. It is necessary to treat the horse accordingly.
FitoCavallo® therapy
FitoCavallo® medicinal products
Recommended medicinal product:
- "age-related thinness" in old age:NOSPASandSOLVEproducts (+ dental treatment)
- weight loss due to prolonged illness: targeted prescription andBLUF PLUSproduct combination
- weight loss associated with prolonged hair loss_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d:NOSPASobsessionNOSPAS PLUS(the latter has ginseng and has an energy-boosting effect)
- malabsorption due to inflammation and ulceration of the stomach and intestines:PREVIOUSandHEPAproducts
- produces little digestive juice (but no inflammation!):NOSPAS orHESPAS products
- the animal is nervous and stressed and loses its weight:NOSPASandSTRESS
- weight loss due to pain:ASPRINTand targeted treatment
- weight loss due to dental complaints: after dental treatmentSINU PLUSproduct
In the case of a product combination, all products are fed in full portions.
Recommended feeding time:
- all products can be used for 3-6 months or until symptoms disappear
- NOSPAS and HESPAS can be fed without a time limit