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Anti-inflammatory, pain relief, herbal steroids

Anti-inflammatory, pain relief, herbal steroids

Inflammation and pain are symptoms. Finding and treating the root cause is the primary goal! Never treat a horse with anti-inflammatories alone, instead combine this type of treatment with other treatments that target the given organ or body part! 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Repeal with a multi-attack herbal blend. Most pain is of inflammatory origin. In order to improve the animal's comfort, to supplement the veterinary treatment , we can feed the horse anti-inflammatory,  herbs that reduce the feeling of pain: as a course, with flexible dosage, observing the principles of pain management .


Acute and chronic inflammation in horses

Herbal "steroid" for horses

Recommended medicinal product:

  1. ASPRINT(e.g. in musculoskeletal, skin, digestive pain)
  2. HELPER(e.g. in allergic diseases)

These products are preferably not fed by themselves, but in a targeted way, in combination, as supplements. 


Recommended feeding time:

  • ASPRINT: in case of fever, it can be drunk as a tea during the feverish state
  • ASPRINT: in case of inflammation and pain, it can be used until the symptoms disappear
  • ASPRINT: can be fed continuously or as a course in cases of chronic inflammation
  • HELPER: in the case of an allergic attack, it can be repeated in a short course (5-10 days) and then with a break
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